Volvo Cars jorden runt
Under årens gång har jag haft flertalet uppdrag av Volvo Cars, bla som övergripande fotograf för Volvo Ocean Race 2017-2018. Där exklusivt för Volvo Cars med uppdrag att fånga dess bilmodeller i den autentiska miljön vid varje stopp som båtarna besökte under tävlingen. Från Göteborg via Europa, Afrika, Asien, Nya Zealand, Sydamerika, Nord Amerika och åter hem till Europa. Både film och stillbild har ingått i de varierande uppdragen.
Volvo Cars Around the World
Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working on numerous assignments for Volvo Cars, including serving as the lead photographer for the brand at Volvo Ocean Race 2017-2018. My exclusive assignment for Volvo Cars was to capture their car models in authentic environments at each stopover visited by the boats during the race. From Gothenburg through Europe, Africa, Asia, New Zealand, South America, North America, and back to Europe, the journey was as global as it was inspiring. These varied assignments included both film and photography, showcasing Volvo Cars in diverse and dynamic settings.